Electrically Power Assisted Cycle Whole Bicycle Testing Technology

Product features
In response to international demand, there has been a great increase in the features expected on electrically power assisted cycles. This testing technology can be used for whole-bicycle testing of electrically power assisted cycles in accordance with EU (EN), Taiwan (CNS), and US (CPSC) national standards. Service content includes: EN 15194, CNS14126, and CPSC testing of speed with maximum assist and cutoff distance after end of pedaling. Apart from performing standard testing of whole electrically power assisted cycles, the technology can also be used to perform performance assessment and placement analysis of benchmark products.
Technical specifications
Measurement of voltage (24 to 60 VDC), current (0 to 30A), and speed (0-35km/hr) for electrically power assisted cycles with central shaft and hub-type assist systems.
Electrically Power Assisted Cycle Hybrid Environmental Detection Technology

Product features
In view of the steadily increasing international demand for electrically power assisted cycles, the lack of environmental sensing standards among current product standards is a significant deficiency. This detection technology can perform TBIS 15194 weatherproofing testing and ISO 16750-3 environmental condition testing for the motors and electronic components of electrically power assisted cycles, ensuring that the electrical systems of electrically power assisted cycle are reliable.
Technical specifications
Temperature -40℃-80℃, relative humidity 30%-90%, warm test chamber dimensions 80cm (L) x 80cm (W) x 80cm (D), frequency 10-2000HZ, acceleration 1-15 (G), amplitude 1-15mm.
Performance Testing System for Hybrid Mid-Mount Motors

Product features
This technology can be used to perform performance testing of electrically power assisted motors, and can be employed during the development stage or to verify specifications after completion. It allows the acquisition of input and assisted power information on the basis of human cycling power input or servo motor power input, and can simulate different amounts of environmental drag. The technology can provide relevant electrically assisted information, and can serve as a system platform or endurance verification platform in assisting logic testing.
Technical specifications
This hybrid mid-mount motor performance testing system contains an input power testing subsystem, and can obtain motor voltage, current, and temperature parameters for mid-mount motors on the basis of power input by the cyclist or the servo motor, and can take motor drag into consideration. The system also has torque and pedaling rpm sensor modules, and can acquire power input end torque and pedaling rpm. This testing system can perform load testing of electrically assisted motors, measure assisted power ratio, simulate cycling in the environment, and provide performance measurements for assist systems.
Cycling Data Collection and Application Service Technology

Product features
This digital data service platform is a data and service application technology that acquires data from an electrically power assisted cycle's onboard unit and sensors, and transmits this data via the Internet to a database for storage. This technology can collect cycling data from electrically power assisted cycles via CANBUS transmission, and employs the MQTT protocol for transmission to and from storage. The service platform can provide bicycle location, bicycle status, and cycling safety applications. After storage, cycling data can be sent to a designated domain for use in analysis.
Technical specifications
MQTT transmission protocol and server deployment
Web based platform (PHP)
Web based platform (PHP)
Intermediary service suggestions (Python)
Establishment of machine learning and deep learning models